Hear us out! We know that there are many ways for you to obtain a loan when you’re in need of urgent money. You can turn to family and friends, banks and credit unions too. But do you really want to risk experiencing embarrassment by asking money from your loved ones; or experience long wait times from the bank to get loan approval? A bank loan during an emergency may not be a good option due to the longer wait times. Having a poor credit or no employment also slims your chances for loan approval. With the changing times, people are shifting to faster hassle-free and reliable ways of obtaining cash for their urgent needs . Regardless of the need, auto title lending has proven to be a hit amongst Canadians. We are here to explain the concept of getting a bad credit auto loan which is sure to sweep you off your feet. No more relying on relatives or banks. Be your own bank and use your fully paid for vehicle to get the cash you need. If you have a vehicle , you can use its equity to get some money for overdue utility bills, medical bills etc. You can even plan a surprise vacation for your family. Same Day Cash Loan is here to lend you up to $40,000 against the equity of your car.
Why Us
- No Debt Check
The first thing that a bank will consider when applying for a loan is your credit score. A mandatory Debt Check will be done to verify a borrower’s creditworthiness. This check shows how good a customer is in handling his financial responsibilities and if they pay their payments/bills on time. We, on the other hand, do not perform any credit checks. We trust our clients and fully understand that it is hard to have a perfect credit score these days. Life happens and money being a crucial part of it, has a lot to do with how we certainly rely on it daily. .With us we don’t use your credit score or credit history to lend you money. Based on a good credit score, the lender easily approves the loan. But some people either don’t have any credit built up or have a poor credit.. In that case you can apply for a bad credit auto loan with us. We don’t consider credit history as an essential requirement.
- Keep your vehicle
No need to surrender your vehicle as collateral. We only hang on to your title papers. . Once your loan is inspected and your loan papers have been signed, you can be on your way and leave freely with your vehicle! T
- No proof of income needed
For you to apply for a car title loan there’s no need to submit any proof of income or verify employment to justify your loan request. Your title papers are sufficient, of course meeting the other basic criteria to approve your loan request. Our monthly payments are as low as $99 which can be managed easily with proper planning and budgeting by the borrower.
- Up to 5 year loan terms
A borrower can loan money for up to 5 years. This makes it convenient to make pocket friendly installments. We want to ensure our clients are happy and that’s what matters!
- No early payout penalties
In the event the borrower wishes to pay off the loan in full before the end of the loan term, he can do so without worrying about any penalty fees or charges.t. Other lending sources charge extra fees if you pay earlier than expected expiry of the loan term.
To Qualify
To qualify for a bad credit auto loan, you must submit the following documents:
- Proof of legal age as per your province
- A clear title to your vehicle
- A fully paid for vehicle (no older than 10 years)
- Vehicle must be fully insured in your name (collision and comprehensive)
- Vehicle should be registered in your name
- Proof of permanent residence
- A second set of keys to your vehicle
- A valid Canadian driver’s license
Visit our website for more information about a vehicle title loan or talk to one of our loan agents. You can apply online or contact us (toll free) 1-855-904-9880.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/samedaycash1