When you find yourself drowned by financial troubles, you start to feel anxious and helpless. But knowing that you can have a car title loan to put these troubles to rest is a sigh of relief. Which is why it is one of the best personal loan with bad credit is the way to go. It is easy to get and requiries short processing time and has user-friendly terms and conditions. The best thing about a personal loan is that people with bad credit can also apply.
Other Benefits Of A Car Title Loan
- The fact that you are allowed to pay off the loan before its due without getting penalized is another benefit of such a loan. So, you do not have to wait until the 4 years is over to pay off the loan in full if you already have enough funds.
- You can pawn the title of any vehicle you have. It can be a car, truck, RV, jeep, motorcycle, etc. The only condition is that it has a positive equity and a clear title under your own name.
- Another great feature of this loan is that it has very few requirements. You only have to fill up a short form on our website www.samedaycashloan.ca and wait for our representative to contact you. Once your documents are verified and your vehicle inspected, you will then receive the loaned amount within 24 hours.
- Also, we won’t ask you to surrender your car to us during the duration of the loan. We will only keep the car title and spare keys with us while you can still drive your car like you used to. This is another aspect that makes this personal loan with bad credit a great option.
Documents Required For Such A Loan
- Proof of legal age
- A vehicle that is not more than ten years old
- A valid Canadian driver’s license
- Proof of permanent residency
- A second set of car keys
- Proof of registration of car under your name
- An all inclusive car insurance policy under your name (collision and deductible).
Follow Four Easy Steps
- Apply for a car title loan on our website by filling up a short application form.
- Our loan representative will contact you immediately and fix an appointment for inspection of your vehicle and verification of your documents.
- Once everything is checked, we tell you the exact loan amount that you’re eligible for and the terms and conditions for the loan.
- You’ll receive your loan within 24 hours via cash or e-transfer.
Getting a personal loan with bad credit is easy with us at Same Day Cash Loan. Contact our toll-free number at 1-855-904-9880 today.
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